

Current Name: Midnightpaw
Prefix Meaning: For her solid black fur
Suffix Meaning: For her rank
Past Names (Oldest First): Midnightkit
Future Names (Closest First): Midnight???


Age (in moons): 15 moons
Current Gender: Female
Gender at Birth: Female
Sexuality: ???
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Created Date: May 20th, 2021


Current Clan/Affiliaton: Windclan
Past Clan/Affiliation (if any): N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Past Rank(s) (if any): Kit
Birth Place: Windclan territory


Biological Father(s): Unknown tom
Biological Mother(s): Twilightstar
Biological Sibling(s): Leechpaw, Lionpaw, Beastpaw, Rushingkit
Biological Daughter(s): N/A
Biological Son(s): N/A

Adoptive Father(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Mother(s) (if any): N/A (Ashfeather was a second mother)
Adoptive Sibling(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Daughter(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Son(s) (if any): N/A

Current Mentor (if apprentice): Owlglide
Past Mentor (if any): Crowgaze, Coldamber
Current Apprentice (if warrior): N/A
Past Apprentice (if any): N/A

Best Friend(s): Crowtooth
Friend(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A

Love Interests: N/A
Past Love Interests: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Past Mate(s) (if any): N/A


Overview: Midnightpaw has a fierce spirit, just how her amber eyes portray. She is completely loyal to her clan, despite what her history says. Some would say that being loyal to your clan means being loyal to the leader. Midnightpaw doesn't agree. Whenever judging someone, she sees past their role and sees the important things. Which makes it very hard to gain her trust. She doesn't confide in others easily and is very quiet, having no social skills what-so-ever. She doesn't socialize with anyone but when she does, she tends to sound snappy. The longer that she interacts with someone, the more she gets used to them and her snappy tone recedes. Whenever things don't go as expected, she gets very frustrated and tries to take control of the situation. Overall though, Midnightpaw is a shy soul that doesn't know what to do with life and just needs help along the way.
+ Loyal, judges fairly, grows nicer overtime
= Confused, shy
- Gets frustrated when things change, hard to gain trust

Mental Age: 15 moons
Conditions: N/A
Phobias: Athazagoraphobia (she's afraid of being forgotten. She's not afraid of forgetting something or someone)
Beliefs: Starclan

Fun Facts

Favorite Season: Green-leaf
Favorite Prey: Rabbit
Wish: That she'll figure out life one day
Secret that Nobody Knows: She doesn't like her mother as much as she should
Sound of Voice: Voice claim is Nicki Minaj
Text Color: Indigo, color code #4B0082


Allegiances Appearance: Big solid black she-cat with amber eyes

Descriptive Appearance: Midnightpaw is a Chartreux, British Shorthair, and Oriental mix. Along with most of her siblings, she got passed down her father's broadish face. While she is a bit tall for her age, the reason she looks big is because of her big and sturdy build. Big bones as Madame Maxime would say. Her fur is short but whatever fur she has, short or not, is fluffy and soft. Her fur is a solid black color, like when you're in darkness so pitch black that even when you try to adjust to it you still can't make out anything. This means that her amber eyes stand out a lot against her body. Her amber eyes are like headlights on a car compared to the rest of her body. The fierce amber color of her eyes really represents her personality.

Breed: Chartreux/British Shorthair/Oriental mix
Fur Color(s): Black
Fur Texture: Fluffy and soft
Fur Length: Short
Markings/Patterns: N/A
Eye color(s): Amber

Body Structure: Big and sturdy build
Scent: Smells fresh
Scars/Deformities: N/A

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