

Current Name: Saltkit
Prefix Meaning: For his white fur
Suffix Meaning: For his rank
Past Names (Oldest First): N/A
Future Names (Closest First): Saltpaw, Saltshadow, Salt???


Age (in moons): 3 moons
Current Gender: Male
Gender at Birth: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Created Date: March 2nd, 2022


Current Clan/Affiliaton: Shadowclan
Past Clan/Affiliation (if any): N/A
Rank: Kit
Past Rank(s) (if any): N/A
Birth Place: Shadowclan Nursery


Biological Father(s): Pinknose
Biological Mother(s): Minkfoot
Biological Sibling(s): Spicekit, Sweetkit, Sugarkit
Biological Daughter(s): N/A
Biological Son(s): N/A

Adoptive Father(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Mother(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Sibling(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Daughter(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Son(s) (if any): N/A

Current Mentor (if apprentice): N/A
Past Mentor (if any): N/A
Current Apprentice (if warrior): N/A
Past Apprentice (if any): N/A

Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A

Love Interests: N/A
Past Love Interests: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Past Mate(s) (if any): N/A


Overview: Saltkit is protective of his siblings. This also applies to everyone he has a close connection to. So, if you become close with this cat, you've basically signed a contract to have Saltkit be your protector. He likes to act like he's strong and the one on top so this tends to lead him into being a bit boring and just no fun. He's just trying to hide the fact that he is scared of the unknown. He expects the worse from everything because "if you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed." He has a soft spot for his siblings though. He will do whatever they want him to do if it's reasonable and if they really want it. He doesn't expect the best from anyone, especially himself, so he doesn't care about the flaws of others. The one thing that calms him down is this worn out rock he has. Everytime he's stressed he likes to take it and just scratch on it.
+ Soft spot for siblings, doesn't expect the best from anyone
= Protective
- Scared of the unknown, expects the worse

Mental Age: 3 moons
Conditions: N/A
Phobias: Fear of the unknown
Beliefs: Still doesn't know

Fun Facts

Favorite Season: Leaf-bare
Favorite Prey: Shrew
Wish: One day he won't be scared anymore
Secret that Nobody Knows: He's scared of the unknown
Sound of Voice: Voice claim is Alec Benjamin
Text Color: Dark Red, color code #8b0000


Allegiances Appearance: Chocolate point tom with blue eyes

Descriptive Appearance: Saltkit is a Siamese and Norwegian Forest mix. His body structure is nothing impressive. It could possibly be below impressive. He has a lanky body with a bit above average long legs. His long, soft, fluffy fur helps hide the fact that he's naturally thin but if his fur is ever plastered to his body you can see the fact that he's thin and skinny. It's not skinny as in you can see his ribs popping out, but the amount of fat stops just enough to make sure his bones and ribs don't jut out. His base fur color is white, which looks like a dirty white around where his markings start. Due to being a chocolate point, he has chocolate colored markings on his legs, face, ears, and tail. His paws are the darkest and as you go up the leg, the color starts to become lighter and then fade into the dirty white color of his base fur color. His ears are all a dark brown as well as his face. His tail tip is a dark brown and like his legs, when you go up the tail the color starts to get lighter until it fades to his dirty white colored fur. His eyes are a vibrant slightly light blue that could glow in the dark.

Breed: Siamese and Norwegian Forest mix
Fur Color(s): White
Fur Texture: Soft and fluffy
Fur Length: Long
Markings/Patterns: Chocolate fur on his face, legs, tail, face, and ears
Eye color(s): Blue

Body Structure: Lanky with no muscle
Scent: Smells like moss
Scars/Deformities: None

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