
"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." -Marilyn Monroe


Current Name: Slatewhisker
Prefix Meaning: Family tradition
Suffix Meaning: For her long whiskers
Past Names (Oldest First): Slate, Slatepaw
Future Names (Closest First): N/A


Age (in moons): 30 moons
Current Gender: Female
Gender at Birth: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Created Date: July 28th, 2022


Current Clan/Affiliaton: Riverclan
Past Clan/Affiliation (if any): Outsider
Rank: Deputy
Past Rank(s) (if any): Apprentice, warrior
Birth Place: Abandoned Twoleg Nest


Biological Father(s): Unknown
Biological Mother(s): Slate
Biological Sibling(s): N/A
Biological Daughter(s): N/A
Biological Son(s): N/A

Adoptive Father(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Mother(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Sibling(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Daughter(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Son(s) (if any): N/A

Current Mentor (if apprentice): N/A
Past Mentor (if any): Blizzardwind
Current Apprentice (if warrior): N/A
Past Apprentice (if any): N/A

Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A

Love Interests: N/A
Past Love Interests: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Past Mate(s) (if any): N/A


Overview: Slatewhisker is a hardworking cat. She always makes sure to volunteer for things and make sure that things around the clan are getting done. While she isn't in a high ranking position to punish anyone, she does try and let cats know what they could do to help around the clan more. If she finds a task that needs to be done, like hunting prey to put in the prey pile or if the medicine cats need herbs, she'll gladly help and possibly get an apprentice or a fellow warrior to help them if they want. She usually seeks out apprentices because she knows how eager they are at first and she wants them to earn experience.

Slatewhisker is also a trustworthy cat. She tries to put a positive image of herself to anyone she meets. She does this by helping individual cats instead of the clan in a whole so she can spend some quality time with her clanmates. This can include removing ticks from elders, playing with kits to give the queens some rest, brushing up some training with apprentice and warriors, or just talking with cats in general. She wants her clanmates to know that they can confide in her whenever they need help with a task or just want to talk and get her opinion. She will help anyone.

Slatewhisker is a loyal cat. She's loyal to both the high ranks and Riverclan. She gives respect to the high ranks but not so much that it seems that she only feels loyal to whoever is leader or deputy. She makes sure to show that she is not bias to anyone and tries to make it seem that she feels that everyone in the clan is equal. She does not shy away from her backstory but does not brag about it either. If anyone confronts her about her loyalty, she will calmy let them know that she joined Riverclan because her heart told her it was the right thing to do, not because she only wanted an easy way out of outsider life. She will stay with her clan through tough times until it is her turn to join Starclan.

Slatewhisker is an overthinker. She thinks of all the possible outcomes that come from a decision and it can sometimes make her stressed when they counteract each other. She does her best to think of what will be best for her clan but most of the time she likes to seek out the opinion of others and work from there. It's a struggle for her to choose an option but once the decision is made, she feels a little bit of the weight lift from her shoulders. Though sometimes, she does spend time imagining what would have happened if she had chosen another option, filling her with some doubt. But as soon as she forgets about the other options and sees the outcome of her chosen option, the doubt will lift.
+ Hardworking, trustworthy
= Loyal
- Overthinker

Mental Age: 30 moons
Conditions: N/A
Phobias: Encavmaphobia (The fear of getting burnt)
Beliefs: Starclan

Fun Facts

Favorite Season: New-Leaf
Favorite Prey: Salmon
Wish: For Riverclan to always be whole again
Secret that Nobody Knows: She watched her mother die
Sound of Voice: Voice claim is Madilyn Bailey
Text Color: Teal, color code #008080


Allegiances Appearance: Large gray she-cat with blue eyes

Descriptive Appearance: Slatewhisker is a Maine Coon and Russian Blue mix. She got her coloring from her father and the rest from her mother. She has a large body structure, just like most Maine Coons. She managed to get a lithe body structure as well from her father. Her fur is long in length and soft and fluffy in texture. Her fur just makes her look even bigger. Her fur is gray in color with no markings. Her eyes are a nice, mellow blue, kind of like the sky that are a nice pop of color to her appearance.

Breed: Maine Coon and Russian Blue mix
Fur Color(s): Gray
Fur Texture: Soft and fluffy
Fur Length: Long
Markings/Patterns: N/A
Eye color(s): Blue

Body Structure: Large and lithe body structure
Scent: Smells like lavender
Scars/Deformities: N/A