

Current Name: Leopardcloud
Prefix Meaning: For her leopard like markings
Suffix Meaning: For the white fur she has
Past Names (Oldest First): Leopardkit, Leopardpaw
Future Names (Closest First): N/A


Age (in moons): 16 moons
Current Gender: Female
Gender at Birth: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Created Date: May 4th, 2022


Current Clan/Affiliaton: Riverclan
Past Clan/Affiliation (if any): N/A
Rank: Warrior
Past Rank(s) (if any): Kit, apprentice
Birth Place: Riverclan territory


Biological Father(s): Spots
Biological Mother(s): Daisyheart
Biological Sibling(s): Lily
Biological Daughter(s): N/A
Biological Son(s): N/A

Adoptive Father(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Mother(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Sibling(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Daughter(s) (if any): N/A
Adoptive Son(s) (if any): N/A

Current Mentor (if apprentice): N/A
Past Mentor (if any): TBA
Current Apprentice (if warrior): N/A
Past Apprentice (if any): N/A

Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A

Love Interests: N/A
Past Love Interests: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Past Mate(s) (if any): N/A


Overview: Leopardcloud is loyal and serious. Due to her bloodline, she feels the need to prove herself to the clan. This leads to her working hard and being serious a lot of the time. While she does talk easily to others, she finds it difficult to make friends or anything beyond what is just a clanmate or just someone she talks to from time to time. Her change of gender has made her feel different than everyone else and is insecure about her body. She constantly finds tasks to do by herself so she doesn't have to worry about anybody staring at her "boy body" as she calls it. She thinks about everything that is wrong about her and spends too much time trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing. She finds it difficult to fit in with everyone else and just tries to stay on the sides when she can.
+ Talks easily, hard worker
= Serious, loyal
- Insecure, difficult to make friendships

Mental Age: 16 moons
Conditions: N/A
Phobias: Decidophobia (at it's lowest form)
Beliefs: Starclan

Fun Facts

Favorite Season: New-leaf
Favorite Prey: Fish
Wish: One day she won't feel insecure anymore
Secret that Nobody Knows: She sometimes questions why she changed gender
Sound of Voice: Voice claim is Dua Lipa
Text Color: Yellow green, color code #9ACD32


Allegiances Appearance: Silver bengal she-cat with mint green eyes

Descriptive Appearance: Leopardcloud is a bengal mix. Her body build is not one you would expect of a cat with bengal backgrounds. Instead of a lithe body, she has a big and muscular build. She has a little bit of fat but not so much that it's noticeable. Her fur has a soft texture and it's short, really showing off her muscles. Her base fur color is a light silver, almost white and her underside is all a cream white color. She has black bengal markings all over her body. She has three faint scars on the left side of her body that she earned in a battle. The scars aren't noticeable due to her fur covering it. The inside of her ears are an orange-pink color and so is her nose. Her eyes are a mint green color that seem to have just a little hint of yellow in them but it isn't noticeable.

Breed: Bengal mix
Fur Color(s): Silver
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Short
Markings/Patterns: Black bengal markings and cream white underside
Eye color(s): Mint green

Body Structure: Big and muscular
Scent: Smells like fish
Scars/Deformities: Three faint scars on the left side of her body

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