

Current Name: Streampelt
Prefix Meaning: For his flowing like fur
Suffix Meaning: For his smoke-like fur
Past Names (Oldest First): Streamkit, Streampaw
Future Names (Closest First): None


Age (in moons): 48 moons
Current Gender: Male
Gender at Birth: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Created Date: January 29th, 2021


Current Clan/Affiliaton: Windclan
Past Clan/Affiliation (if any): Riverclan, Outsider
Rank: Warrior
Past Rank(s) (if any): Kit, apprentice, warrior
Birth Place: Riverclan Nursery


Biological Father(s): Smokefoot
Biological Mother(s): Creamheart
Biological Sibling(s): Creamfoot (Sister)
Biological Daughter(s): Shypaw
Biological Son(s): Dustpaw, Adderkit, Sootkit

Adoptive Father(s) (if any): None
Adoptive Mother(s) (if any): None
Adoptive Sibling(s) (if any): None
Adoptive Daughter(s) (if any): None
Adoptive Son(s) (if any): None

Current Mentor (if apprentice): None
Past Mentor (if any): Open
Current Apprentice (if warrior): None
Past Apprentice (if any): Goldenpaw, Morninglily

Best Friend(s): Shadowheart
Friend(s): None
Enemies: None

Love Interests: Shadowheart
Past Love Interests: Mothsky
Crush: Shadowheart
Mate: Shadowheart
Past Mate(s) (if any): Mothsky


Overview: Despite what his body might say about him, Streampelt is almost the complete opposite. He is very kind to others and open. While he wouldn't be the one to start the conversation, if someone else starts it, he'll gladly talk to them, especially at Gatherings. He doesn't like violence and doesn't believe that's the answer but if it's the only option then he'll surrender to it. He's a dad at heart and has a soft spot for kits. If he could, he would take all the abandoned kits and adopt them all. When making decisions he tends to hesitate. He doesn't know how to make decisions and it frustrates him when he doesn't know what to pick. He doesn't like speaking up about his opinions and would rather dwell on his thoughts by himself
+ Dad at heart, peaceful
= Kind, open
- Doesn't like making decisions, doesn't speak up

Mental Age: 48 moons
Conditions: None
Phobias: Hemophobia
Beliefs: Starclan

Fun Facts

Favorite Season: Green-leaf
Favorite Prey: Water vole
Wish: That he will never be separated from Shadowheart
Secret that Nobody Knows: He was previously in a crossclan relationship
Sound of Voice: Voice claim is Charlie Puth
Text Color: Dim Gray, color code #696969


Allegiances Appearance: Smoky gray tom with a cream colored chest and green eyes

Descriptive Appearance: Streampelt is a Russian Blue mix. He has a big build, nothing like the lithe build of most Russian Blue cats. Due to having been swimming most of his life, he had developed some muscle on his body, though not enough to show off. He has sleek and smooth fur, which is good for a Riverclan cat but he's not a Riverclan cat anymore. His fur is a medium length, not short but not long either. Most of his fur is a dark grey color, but he has a cream colored chest. His eyes are a nice, mellow green that can sometimes be vibrant.

Breed: Russian Blue mix
Fur Color(s): Gray
Fur Texture: Sleek and smooth
Fur Length: Medium length
Markings/Patterns: Cream colored chest
Eye color(s): Green

Body Structure: Big and a bit muscular
Scent: Smells like
Scars/Deformities: None

Made by @littlelove