About Me

Hello! My name is Nicole but please call me Fierce as that's what I'm known as. I'm 13 years old and my birthday is October 22nd. So I'm barely a Libra. I'm an 8th grader and I'm not exactly an athlete, but I played on my school basketball, volleyball, and flag football teams in 7th grade. We won one game in basketball and volleyball but won every game in flag football, making history at our school. I play snapper in my football team. I play the keyboard/piano and have a 1 year experience under my belt, reaching for that 2 year experience. I love reading and I would love to have been born with a talent for art. I have a mild phobia of physical pain on the inside, so headaches and stomachaches. Not a good phobia to have when I'm a female and have female...stuff happen every month. I have an ex and we got together on 6/3/2022. We broke up on 6/12/22, he broke up with me. Even though it took me a while, like 2 months, I've finally gotten over him. We're friends and still talk but it's always awkward. After many years I have figured out that I'm into guys with a sense of humor. I don't like talking about my ex unless you're the friend I always rant to. I've been talking to this guy who is way better than my ex and I've grown to like him a lot and he's really sweet. I could talk to him and rant about him all day.

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